Thursday, January 1, 2009
O-27 Silver Bullet Train Set w/PS2, Coors

O-27 Silver Bullet Train Set w/PS2, Coors. You asked for it! Since the Coors Light Silver Bullet Train debuted in a 2004 TV ad, this imaginary train has been one of our most-requested items.
For 2007 MTH has chosen this silver flyer to introduce a feature that has been latent in Proto-Sound 2.0 but never used before: the ability of a locomotive to "talk to" its trailing cars or trackside accessories. At your command, The Silver Bullet steam engine pulls into a station, playing arrival and departure sounds inspired by the television commercials and commanding its three-reefer consist to open it doors, billowing frosty smoke and revealing its chilled contents.
For 2007 MTH has chosen this silver flyer to introduce a feature that has been latent in Proto-Sound 2.0 but never used before: the ability of a locomotive to "talk to" its trailing cars or trackside accessories. At your command, The Silver Bullet steam engine pulls into a station, playing arrival and departure sounds inspired by the television commercials and commanding its three-reefer consist to open it doors, billowing frosty smoke and revealing its chilled contents.
Read more product details