Monday, May 5, 2008
Snoopy House EVA Lamp

This is for the Snoppy House EVA Lamp. Everyone's favorite Peanut, Snoopy, comes to your home. This type of lamp, eva lamp, are really cool to begin with. However, now that they have it in a Peanuts Collectible it's even better! The light stands about 11" tall with the stand. Produces a very good amount of light. The overall red color makes the majority of the light red, so it doesn't hurt your eyes. Due to the texture of the lamp, it makes a design in the light. Just an overall cool lamp. Uses a standard 110V Electric outlet for power. Great gift for anyone who likes Peanut Collectibles or is a Snoopy fan...
* Peanut's Snoopy EVA Lamp
* Everyone's favorite Peanut, Snoopy
* Light stands about 11" tall
* Overall red color makes the majority of the light red
* Great gift for anyone who likes Peanut Collectibles or is a Snoopy fan
* Peanut's Snoopy EVA Lamp
* Everyone's favorite Peanut, Snoopy
* Light stands about 11" tall
* Overall red color makes the majority of the light red
* Great gift for anyone who likes Peanut Collectibles or is a Snoopy fan
View product details at Amazon